Adult/Parent New Client Info:


The first session, we will strive to build a good working rapport. I want to hear about your concerns and develop an action plan, whether that be supportive measures, specific goals, or managing/overcoming stress.

I am out of network on insurance- but I can “courtesy“ file for you for any counseling appointments and have the insurance reimbursement sent directly to you. My goal is to make progress on issues quickly, and move towards reducing the need for frequent therapy sessions as soon as possible. Most clients start weekly then generally space out once goals are being met.

I also offer a structured sliding scale and financial need application process.

Appointments are typically more flexible during the daytime hours (9 am-2:30 pm). 

My intake, consent and demographic forms are all completed through my Simple Practice Portal. Once these are completed, you will have access to my scheduling portal so you can see availability and schedule appointments online.


If you want to move forward, click the contact form below. Add your name, birthday and information in the boxes. In the “anything else you want to share” box, provide a brief description of your concerns.  


Contact Form


I have a free weekly newsletter focused on mental health and parenting on my website at

I have created online content as well specific to mental health on my website at

I am now offering counseling and coaching intensives as well. These are specific programs designed to formulate an action plan around a particular issue or challenge, such as screen time, chronic behavioral issues at home, parenting intensives, family dynamic and blended dynamic challenges or failure to launch problems for young adults. Counseling and coaching intensives are highly structured, solution specific, action oriented sessions in varying lengths of time. Packages come in 1 day, 2 days, or multi-session packages.